
Out of your mind

發佈時間: 2020/02/19

Out of your mind


描述人「瘋狂」,除了用形容詞crazy,可以說be out of one's mind。Mind用作名詞解「思維、頭腦、大腦」,例如,the human mind(人的思想)、a clear mind(頭腦清晰)、the subconscious mind(潛意識)。

描述某人be out of one's mind,即是他離開了他的大腦和正常思維,失去了理智。例句︰The magistrate said the thief was out of her mind for stealing masks at this difficult time and sentenced her to jail for four weeks.(裁判官說,那小偷竟在這個艱難時期偷口罩,是失去理智,並判處她入獄四個星期。)

Mind一字也可以用作動詞,解「介意」。留意,mind一字之後要接v.+ing,而不是to+v.。例句︰Do you mind saying a few words to the camera?(你介意對着鏡頭說幾句話嗎﹖)Mind後面也可以接子句(clause)。例如,I really mind that you took my bag without asking me.(我真的很介意你不問我就拿了我的袋。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery