
As expected

發佈時間: 2020/11/27

As expected

一如所料(As expected),新一份《施政報告》以大灣區一體化為重中之重,從辦學、就業、創業、創科、馬產業,以至航空、理財等等,均大力推動大灣區內的人流和物流發展。

動詞expect可以解「預計、預料」,相信某事情很大機會發生。例如,It was expected that Greater Bay Area integration would be heavily featured in the Policy Address.(預期《施政報告》將重點介紹大灣區一體化。)We are expecting a rise in sales at our online shops this year.(我們預料今年的網店銷售額將會增加。)

常用語as expected指「一如所料」,即是依計劃或者依認為可能的方式發生。例句︰As expected, Greater Bay Area took centre stage in the Policy Address.(不出所料,大灣區在《施政報告》中佔據了中心位置。)My plan for the weekend didn't turn out as expected.(我的周末計劃沒有達到預期。)

Expect也可以解「等待、要求」。例如,Are you expecting someone?(你在等人嗎?)My parents expected me to help discipline my siblings.(父母要求我幫忙管教兄弟姐妹。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery