
War of words

發佈時間: 2020/06/10

War of words

中美之間的口水戰(war of words)沒完沒了,雙方一直對於病毒源頭各執一詞,又就疫苗的研發爭論不休。口水戰不會幫助世界戰勝病毒,大家還是專注研發疫苗,成功後與全世界分享吧。

War of words即是中文的「口水戰」,因為在某事上存在嚴重分歧,而公開和反覆地互相批評對方的論點,尤其是指持續長時間及充滿怒氣的爭論。War of words常接介詞over,帶出爭論甚麼事情。例句︰The war of words between China and the United States over the responsibility for COVID-19 pandemic is never-ending.(就新型冠狀病毒疫情的責任,中美之間展開沒完沒了的口水戰。)

War of words可以配搭動詞start(開始)、engage(參與)、intensify(加強)、escalate(升級)、continue(持續)等等。例句︰The two countries are engaged in a war of words over the island's sovereignty.(兩國正在就該島的主權進行口水戰。)The war of words over COVID-19 was escalated after Donald Trump called the coronavirus as "Chinese Virus".(特朗普稱冠狀病毒為「中國病毒」後,COVID-19的口水戰便升級了。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery