

發佈時間: 2020/04/08


莫說是在公眾地方聚集(public gathering),今個復活節假期想與朋友聚會也很難。大家齊心忍耐一下,疫情會更快完結,到時輕輕鬆鬆聚會更開心。

動詞gather有幾個意思,都有「聚在一起」之意。上文提到的gather指人們「聚集」。例句︰The Hong Kong government has banned public gatherings of more than four people to help prevent COVID-19's spread.(香港政府已禁止超過四人的公眾集會,以防止新型肺炎擴散。)It's tempting to gather with friends but don't as the virus is still spreading quickly.(雖然與朋友聚會這主意很吸引,但由於病毒仍在迅速傳播,所以還是不要。)

Gather還可以解「搜集、收集」。例如,Let's gather more information about the risk before we make a decision.(在做出決定之前,讓我們收集更多風險的資料。)We have no time to gather sufficient data to support the move but we want to be cautious.(我們沒時間收集足夠數據來支持此舉,但我們要保持謹慎。)

Gather可以用於描述布料聚成小摺。例如,The dress is nicely gathered around the waist with a matching belt.(這條裙子搭配了一條相襯的皮帶,漂亮地圍在腰間。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery