
Long queue

發佈時間: 2020/02/12

Long queue

沒有口罩,不敢出街。一罩難求下,惟有排長龍(long queue)買口罩。自新年到現在,商場便不時出現人龍,伸延至商場外。排隊數個小時,可能只買到三、五個口罩,排隊時還得用上一個口罩。我還是盡少出街好了……

Queue可以用作名詞,解「隊伍」,指一排人等待着一些東西。例句︰The queue at the drug store extended all the way to the outside of the shopping mall.(藥房的排隊人龍一直延伸到商場的外面。)「排隊」可以用to line up in a queue或者to stand in a queue。例如,The old woman has been standing in the queue for over eight hours.(這位老婦人已經在隊列中站了八個多小時。)隊列的長短可以用long和short形容。「插隊」則可以說jump the queue,帶貶義。

Queue也可以用作動詞,解「排隊等候」。例句︰It is not uncommon to see over a thousand people queuing up to buy masks these days.(這陣子,有成千人排隊購買口罩並不少見。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery