
Stark contrast

發佈時間: 2020/02/07

Stark contrast

澳門的防疫措施與香港形成強烈對比(stark contrast)。澳門果斷、即時、到位,香港不但沒有全面封關,而且每每決定封一個關都要等數天後才實行,試問這樣又怎能有效防疫?

Stark用作形容詞時,可以解「鮮明的、嚴酷的、無情的、赤裸裸的」,帶貶義。Stark contrast指「強烈的對比」,凸顯某一方何其惡劣。例句︰Hong Kong's poor preventive measures to curb the novel coronavirus is in stark contrast to Macau's effective measures.(香港遏制新型冠狀病毒的差劣預防措施與澳門的有效措施形成鮮明對比。)The extreme poverty of people living in sub-divided flats is in stark to the wealth of people living at the Peak.(居住在劏房的人的極端貧困與居住在山頂的人的財富形成強烈對比。)

Stark一字又常配名詞reality指「嚴酷的事實」,意思與harsh reality相似。例句︰The stark reality is that surgical masks will not be in stock anytime soon.(嚴酷的事實是外科口罩短期內仍會短缺。)The movie shows the stark reality of human trafficking in China.(那電影顯示了中國人口販運的嚴酷事實。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery