
Kicked off the bus

發佈時間: 2019/01/30

Kicked off the bus

烏克蘭一名醫科生因為趕着去探望患病的母親而忘記帶錢出門。由於無法支付約七港元的車資,在零下攝氏20度的天氣下,她竟然被司機趕下巴士(kicked off the bus),最終遭活活凍死。

Kick off這個短語動詞(phrasal verb),由動詞kick(踢)加上介詞off(脫離/取消/關掉)組成,有幾個意思。在上文的語境裏,kick somebody off something指「從某物中刪除某人」。想點出原因,可以後接介詞for。例句︰A medical student was kicked off the bus in a remote forest for not having $7 fare.(一名醫科學生因為未能支付七元的車資,而在偏遠的森林裏被趕下巴士。)He was kicked off the team for failing the drug test.(由於未能通過藥檢,他被踢出球隊了。)

Kick off也可以解「開始」,尤其是指「開始足球賽事、開球」。例如,Manchester kicked off and scored in the first minute.(曼徹斯特開球後一分鐘內得分。)

Kick off還可以解「變得非常生氣、突然開始爭吵」。例句︰My boyfriend kicked off at me when I asked him not to play computer games.(當我叫男朋友不要玩電腦遊戲時,他非常生氣。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery