
Hailed as a hero

發佈時間: 2018/05/30

Hailed as a hero

日前在巴黎,一名馬利移民見四歲小孩吊在半空,毫不猶豫徒手爬上四樓陽台拯救。他事後被譽為英雄(hailed as a hero),不但獲法國總統頒發英勇勳章,還得到法國公民權和一份負責消防和應急服務的工作。

Hail有兩個意思:一、指「招呼、呼喊」,打手勢叫住,以吸引他人的注意。例如,Is it difficult to hail a taxi in Paris?(在巴黎叫的士困難嗎?)I tried to hail them from across the road but they didn't see me.(我試圖在馬路對面呼喊他們,但是他們沒有看到我。)古時,軍隊凱旋歸來,市民會夾道歡呼:hail the conquering army。

Hail可以引申解「稱頌」,常用to be hailed as something(被譽為、被擁立為)。例句:After the game, he was hailed as the new leader of the team.(賽後,他被擁立為球隊的新領袖。)

二、Hail可以指「下冰雹」。例如,It's hailing.(現正下冰雹。)落雹意頭差,hail一字帶貶義,可以用to hail curses down on somebody指「痛罵某人」。例句:The angry crowd hailed curses down on the speaker.(憤怒的群眾咒罵講者。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery