
Dash out

發佈時間: 2017/09/18

Dash out

上班的日子,早上的例行公事便是極速梳洗、極速化粧、極速更衣,務求盡快衝出門口(dash out of the door)。早餐?邊走邊吃!

Dash可以用作動詞或名詞,解「猛衝、急奔」,很匆忙地跑去某地。例句︰I forgot to pick up my mobile when I dashed out of the door this morning.(我今天早上匆忙衝出門口,忘記了拿手提電話。)She made a dash out of the room before her dad had a chance to see her.(在爸爸有機會看到她之前,她衝出了房間。)

Dash還可以解「衝擊」,常接介詞against,點出衝擊甚麼。例句︰The wind and rain dashed against the window panes.(風雨打在玻璃窗上。)

Dash可以引伸指抽象的「粉碎、破滅」,有慣用語to dash somebody's hopes。例句︰The accident dashed my hopes of ever becoming a famous tennis player.(那次意外粉碎了我成為著名網球運動員的希望。)用被動式也可以,譬如Their hopes of a salary increase were dashed when the company lost the contract.(當公司失去合約時,他們的加薪希望就破滅了。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery