
Eat heartily

發佈時間: 2017/05/15

Eat heartily

食乃人生的一大樂事,但顧慮到身形和健康,有多少時候可以開懷大吃(eat heartily)﹖或者學法國人,吃得精美,每一口都細心品嘗,既能享受食的樂趣,亦能保持體態。

副詞heartily有兩個意思,上面提到的heartily解「盡情地、起勁地、熱誠地」,而多數會高聲浪地進行。例句︰They are such a lovely couple. They always look at each other and laugh heartily even at jokes which are not very funny.(他們真是對可愛的夫婦。他們總是看着對方,小小的笑話就開懷大笑起來。)We gave the new manager a hearty welcome.(我們熱情地歡迎新經理。)

Heartily還可以指「完全地、非常地」,例如,I am heartily sorry for having offended you.(冒犯了你,我感到非常抱歉。)

省去-ly,變成形容詞hearty可以指「大量的、豐盛的」,尤其是食物。例句︰We had a hearty breakfast before we took the flight.(上飛機前,我們吃了一頓豐盛的早餐。)

Eat heartily既指「吃得盡情」,亦指「吃很多」。


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery