
No spoilers!

發佈時間: 2016/11/02

No spoilers!

《Game of Thrones》開拍第七季以來,不斷有傳媒刊登拍攝現場的照片,又洩露情節,真掃興!No more spoilers, please!

動詞spoil本身解「毀掉、破壞、糟蹋」,例句:The harbour is spoiled by litter.(那港口被垃圾毀掉了。)This new building is such an eyesore. It totally spoils the beautiful scenery.(這新樓真礙眼!完全破壞了美麗的風景。)He added too much salt and spoiled the soup.(他加了太多鹽,糟蹋了那美味的湯。)

說to spoil something for someone即是「破壞某人對某事物的興致」。例句:I'm not going to tell you what happens in the drama because I don't want to spoil it for you.(我不會告訴你劇情,因為我不想你掃興。)在未欣賞劇集前,已經知道劇情,到真正觀賞時,全無驚喜或懸念,是不是很掃興?所以那些透露電視劇、電影、小說重要情節發展的人,會被稱為spoilers。

No more spoilers in the titles of your articles about "Game of Thrones" please!(請不要再在關於《Game of Thrones》的文章的標題透露劇情!)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery