
Smear tactics

發佈時間: 2016/10/21

Smear tactics


英文有一詞叫smear tactics「抹黑策略」,是指用未經證實的言詞攻擊對手,例如造謠中傷、扭曲事實、加鹽加醋,總之要令對手的聲譽受損(damage the opponent's reputation)和可信性受質疑(question the opponent's credibility)。

Smear一字本身解「塗抹」,尤其是塗抹油膩或者骯髒的物質,常用smear something over/on something和smear something with something。例句:Stop smearing the mud onto the windows; I've just cleaned them.(別再將泥漿抹到窗上,我剛剛才清潔過了。)Thickly smear the pan with butter.(在平底鍋上厚抹牛油。)

Smear用於指塗抹骯髒油膩之物,所以可引伸指「抹黑」。例句:Donald Trump was smeared as Nazi by the media.(媒體將特朗普抹黑為納粹主義者。)Obviously, the story was a vicious attempt to smear the opponent.(這個故事顯然是企圖惡意抹黑對手。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery