
What goes around comes around

發佈時間: 2016/08/26

What goes around comes around

一名客人到餐廳只是喝杯水,卻給了侍應3,000元小費,侍應自然莫名其妙。原來前幾天,侍應在超市安慰了一名老婦,令她由傷心變成開心。客人正是老婦的女兒,當日可是父親的死忌。侍應可謂善有善報(what goes around comes around)。

What goes around comes around正如中文的「善有善報,惡有惡報」,指行善和作惡到頭來都會有報應,用來規勸人要做好事。What goes around comes around字面沒有點明「善」還是「惡」,用於好或壞的語境均可。

What goes around comes around可以倒轉,寫成what comes around goes around;亦可以加上ever強調語氣:whatever goes around comes around,「任何事都是善有善報,惡有惡報」。

例句:He totally deserves the award. What comes around goes around.(善有善報,那獎項完全是他應得的。)She is now the victim of her own defective design. What goes around comes around.(她的設計有缺陷,現在自己身受其害,真是惡有惡報。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery