
Exist in name only

發佈時間: 2021/06/23

Exist in name only


「形同虛設」可以理解為「有名無實」,即是「得個名」,英文可以說exist in name only。例如,Some people are concerned that part of the anti-discrimination law exists in name only.(有些人擔心部分反歧視法有名無實。)

Some people may think the jab indemnity fund exists in name only.(有些人可能認為疫苗接種的傷害賠償計劃有名無實。)

用be in name only也可以,都是指「掛名的、只在名義上」。例如,He is the boss in name only; his wife has effectively taken over for years.(他不過是個掛名老闆,他的妻子實際上已經取而代之多年。)

They are obviously Christians in name only; they visit the church once a year for celebrating Christmas.(他們顯然只是名義上的基督徒,他們每年只去一次教堂慶祝聖誕。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery