
Fatal blow

發佈時間: 2020/12/11

Fatal blow

第4波疫情於12月爆發,正是臨近聖誕,本應是餐飲和零售的旺季。這次嚴厲的社交距離措施,將令業界受到「致命一擊」(fatal blow),餐飲業估計本月將有多達1,000家餐廳關閉。

Blow用作動詞,可以解「吹、吹奏」,乃中性用詞。例如,Could you blow a balloon for me?(你可以幫我吹個氣球嗎﹖)Blowing the trumpet in the new year is a tradition of this village.(在新的一年吹奏小號是這條村莊的傳統。)動詞blow也可以指「炸毀、炸飛」。例如,The factory was blown to pieces in the explosion.(工廠在爆炸中被炸成碎片。)

Blow用作名詞時,則可以帶貶義,解「打擊、不幸」,對某人或物造成破壞性影響的意外事件。例句︰Losing their son was a terrible blow to both of them.(失去兒子對他們倆是沉重的打擊。)The mistake caused a severe blow to his career.(這個錯誤嚴重打擊了他的職業生涯。)

Fatal blow解「致命一擊」,誇張地形容打擊非常嚴重。例如,The stringent social distancing measures would be a fatal blow to the catering industry.(嚴格的社交距離措施將對餐飲業造成致命的打擊。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery