
Car boot

發佈時間: 2018/11/16

Car boot

嬰兒極需要與人接觸和悉心照料,才能健康成長。一名法國婦人誕下女兒,但為了隱瞞家人,竟然將女嬰收藏在車尾箱(car boot)內長達兩年,以致她嚴重營養不良、身體虛弱。

Car boot指「汽車行李箱」,是汽車後部的封閉空間,用於運載行李或其他物品,稱為the back of the car也可。例句︰The girl had been kept hidden away in the car boot since birth.(自從出生以來,那個女孩一直被藏在車尾箱裏。)The mechanics was shocked when he opened up the boot and saw a naked baby girl.(技工打開車尾箱看到一個赤裸的女嬰時,很是震驚。)

國外有car boot sale,車輛集於停車場或草地,車主將自家的閒置物品放在車尾箱攤賣。例句︰I'm doing a car boot sale this weekend for the first time.(今個周末,我第一次參加車尾箱市集。)Doing a car boot sale is one of the quickest ways to get rid of unwanted stuff and raise a bit of cash.(做車尾箱市集是賣掉不需要的東西並籌集一些現金的最快方法之一。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery