
Bite the bullet

發佈時間: 2018/03/23

Bite the bullet

要小朋友刷牙是媽媽耐性的考驗!我明白要小朋友將開小嘴巴給大人刷牙應該不太舒適,但牙齒是一定要刷的。刷牙可算是小朋友人生第一件要硬着頭皮接受的不愉快事情(bite the bullet)。

Bite the bullet照字面解(literally means)「咬子彈」,寓意「硬着頭皮接受不愉快的事情」,事情困難、令人不快,但是必要的(difficult or unpleasant but necessary)。此含義源自沒有麻醉藥的年代,受傷的士兵要咬着子彈、忍受沒有麻醉下接受手術的痛楚。

Bite the bullet是口語。例句︰Baby, I know brushing your teeth isn't comfortable at all but you'll have to bite the bullet so that you don't get tooth decay.(寶貝,我知道刷牙並不舒服,但你必須硬着頭皮刷牙,以防蛀牙。)

Refurbishing the house is expensive but it is getting so old that we must bite the bullet.(翻新房子很貴,但它太殘舊了,我們必須硬着頭皮做。)I guess we'll just have to bite the bullet and get on with it.(我想我們只好咬緊牙關,繼續下去。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery