

發佈時間: 2017/09/13


不要小看睡眠的重要,近日一名女子就懷疑因為飽受失眠困擾,而跳入600度高溫的化寶爐自殺(committed suicide)。

名詞suicide解「自殺」。相反,homicide則是「殺人」。兩者都是犯法,因此常配動詞commit(犯)或者attempt(企圖)。例句︰The man tried to commit suicide by burning charcoal in the bedroom.(那男子在睡房燒炭,企圖自殺。)The fact that someone close to you or a loved one has attempted suicide is not your fault.(事實上,你親近的人或者你愛的人試圖自殺並不是你的錯。)

改變字尾,可以將名詞suicide,變成形容詞suicidal。Suicidal可以解「有自殺傾向的、想自殺的」。例如︰He was so depressed after losing his job that we believed he was suicidal.(失去工作後,他很鬱悶,我們甚至相信他有自殺傾向。)

Suicidal也可以解「自取滅亡的」,起誇張效果。例句︰No one dared to get involved in that task. Everyone considered it suicidal.(沒有人敢於參與這項工作。大家都認為參與的話,只會自取滅亡。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery