
On the strength of

發佈時間: 2017/05/26

On the strength of

工作成功最重要是實力(strength)和人際關係。同事之間有穩固的互信基礎,信任大家的判斷力和能力,做起事來,事半功倍。基於對你的建議(On the strength of your advice),我們便去馬!

名詞strength解「實力」,例如,military strength(軍事實力)、economic strength(經濟實力)。實力當然是「優點、長處」,所以strength可以和weakness(弱點)相對。例句:A true leader need to be self-aware of her own strengths and weaknesses.(真正的領袖需要意識到自己的優點和缺點。)「體力、力氣」也可以用strength一字描述,例如,I want to build up my strength through weight training.(我想通過舉重訓練來增強體力。)

On the strength of則指「因為相信某人或者受某人影響,基於某人的建議,就採取行動」。例句:The company invested in this fund on the strength of the consultant's advice.(在顧問的建議下,公司投資了該基金。)He would like to apply for better paid jobs on the strength of his academic qualifications.(他希望憑藉自己的學歷,申請薪水更好的職位。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery