
發佈時間: 2020/02/04



延伸閱讀:【武漢肺炎】誤用消毒液衫愈洗愈污糟 專家警告4大錯處恐難殺菌


步驟1:入屋前除鞋 + 消毒


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Step 1:Remove shoes and spray 70% alcohol over shoe soles before stepping into your home, or step on towels soaked with 1:99 diluted household bleach  to kills germs, or clean shoe soles directly with soap and water, to prevent bringing in germs and bacteria.

步驟2:正確棄置口罩 + 洗手


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Step 2:Remove the face mask and put it into its packaging bag before throwing it into a covered bin.


手機及其他物品或藏有肉眼看不到的細菌,所以每次使用手機及其他物品 (如銀包、鎖匙) 都要清潔物品表面。方醫生建議可先把手機套脫下,用布加70%消毒火酒,或一次性消毒酒精棉為手機套、手機及銀包全面消毒,無論是手機邊位及銀包裡面都不要放過。最後用番梘或梘液洗手,或以酒精搓手液清潔雙手。

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Step 3:Clean your mobile phone and wallet upon returning home. Remove the phone case and  sterilize the phone, phone case and wallet using 70% alcohol or alcohol pads.


方醫生指外出過的衣服都可先放入污衣籃,並即日清洗。一般而言,大人及小朋友的衣服可以一機過清洗,除非其中一方經常流連高危地方 (如診所、醫院、幼稚園等),則可分開放置及清洗。

最近天氣寒冷,如果穿過的厚衣物 (如外套及頸巾) 及手袋難以經常或即日清洗,可用濕布加清水簡單清潔;或用一塊濕布放在外套上,再用熨斗熨一熨,以高溫殺菌;亦可直接置放於太陽下照射,殺死衣物上的細菌。

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Step 4:Clean clothes on a daily basis is highly recommended. For thick items and bag, wipe them with wet towels and water, or iron the surface of a jacket with a wet towel on top. Also expose the jacket under the sun to kill bacteria.


香港人口密集,方醫生表示外出回家後應避免馬上坐於梳化或床上,避免細菌沾染傢俱。宜盡快洗澡洗頭,把身上的細菌沖刷掉,然後換上乾淨的衣服。如要到訪高危地方 (如診所、醫院、幼稚園等),可先把頭髮束起才出門,回家後再徹底清潔全身。

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Step 5:Take shower daily upon returning home. When visiting high risk locations (such as clinics, hospitals and kindergarten etc), it is recommended to tie up your long hairs, then take a shower after returning home.

No.1 出門防疫秘技:必備5大法寶


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Set up a corner storing face masks, tissue papers, towels, disinfectant wet tissues and 70% alcohol spray near the front door. It lets you carry all needed items in one go.


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精選健康知識,盡在 Healthy Life 健康男女
