
Panic buying

發佈時間: 2020/03/20

Panic buying

歐洲已經成為新冠肺炎疫情的最新震央,多國出現搶購情況(panic buying),貨架空空如也。如果每個人只是買需要的而不積存,貨品便會足夠。不過,為了減少外出,又不得不每次都多買一點。

名詞panic解「恐慌、驚慌」,《劍橋字典》將它定義為「a sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought and action」(突然的強烈恐懼感妨礙了合理的思想和行動)。現在盲目搶購的情況正是出於驚恐,所以稱為panic buying極為合適。不過,People should refrain from panic buying.(人們應該避免恐慌搶購。)

描述人「處於驚恐之中」,可以用be in a panic或者get in(to)a panic,跟着後接about something或that...指出為了甚麼驚恐。例句︰Investors are in a panic about the potential economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.(投資者對新冠肺炎全球大流行可能帶來的經濟後果感到恐慌。)Many people got in a panic that the rumour spread through the social media might be real.(許多人慌張起來,恐怕社交媒體上傳播的謠言可能是真的。)


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欄名: WordDiscovery