
No hard and fast rules

發佈時間: 2016/09/19

No hard and fast rules

規矩是人制定的,說穿了所謂的規則或會不完善、不全面。因此,做事要懂得靈活變通、隨機應變,不要旨意所有事情都有明確的規定(hard and fast rule)。

Hard and fast用在一起,指規則等「在任何情況下都不容變更」,通常用於否定句,最常見以no hard and fast rules這語的出現,解「沒有明確的規定」。例句:There are no hard and fast rules about what to serve with hamburgers.(沒有硬性規定漢堡包一定要配搭甚麼餸菜。)

It's not possible to give hard and fast rules, but these principles will be very useful.(不可能給你明確的規則,但這些原則會很有用。)

I honestly don't know the answer but I will stand hard and fast to the one I believe to be true.(我真的不知道答案,但我會嚴守我認為是對的答案。)

Hard and fast rules常用於否定句,想用肯定句式描述規則「明確、不容變更」,可以用clear(清晰的)、definite(明確的)、unchangeable(不可改變的)等形容詞。例句:The rules laid down by the university are clear and definite.(大學制定的規則清晰明確。)


撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery