
Slam the door

發佈時間: 2015/07/30


許多英文生字都有字面和比喻含義(literal and figurative meanings),字面意思具體,而比喻意義抽象,後者由前者引伸而來。Slam一字具體的字面意思解「猛烈地關上、砰一聲放下」。例句:Close the door gently. Don't slam it.(輕力關門,不要那麼用力。)The strong wind made the window slam shut.(強風使窗戶砰一聲關上了。)

Slam的比喻意義指「猛烈抨擊」,尤其常用於報紙、評論。例句:The two vice-principals have been slammed for lying over how the school handled the death of the ten-year-old student.(兩名副校長對於學校當日如何處理十歲學生死亡事件滿口謊言,遭媒體猛烈抨擊。)

常用語slam the door in someone's face也有字面和比喻含義,字面指「當着某人的面把門砰一聲關上」,比喻意義指「把某人拒之門外」。

撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery